What marvelous things You have given Gifts of wonder, gifts of grace and trust Of my heart’s debts now forgiven And to share it all, with all, I must
Gifts of life and joy and love So unworthy am I so to receive All that, to me You now entrust Beyond what I could ever conceive
To accept and to have and to grow Gifts truly beyond my deserving Beyond my longing and hard to believe And so I must so commit to tend
Stepping up to shepherd and grow this love To use and invest and to cherish and restore To gratefully share with those we call “friend” For Your gift is not just given
Merely to own, to hold and to celebrate But called to share and to grow as I must Knowing that all given is truly undeserved Your amazing grace freely given to use in trust
Mine to save and protect, to nurture and share Yet I am so unworthy of this great gift Of life and love and things to hold That in humble thanks I must tend and share
Using it well to help other souls to grow That when He comes for me to account Of its’ use and its’ benefit and growth Great return from His love will show
Dear Jesus, thank You for Your great gifts Of love and life and abundant grace For all that I have been given And You’ve entrusted to me in this place. I pray that through Your grace and Your love I may humbly receive and so share That which was gifted to me from above. May the grace You most generously give Help me always to nurture and to grow For I know that by how I share, I shall receive And so now, in my undeserving heart, I pray To humbly accept Your gifts and Your call To grow Your love by cherishing it, nurturing it And by giving it away.