Leaving our boat again to listen and see With such longing have we so searched Burdened with so many questions Could John be The One; Could this be HE?
Have we finally found he who is to come Who so many who have come to seek Yet a surprise just now as John speaks again Now pointing to another who is The One He humbles himself before this man The one of whom the prophet now speaks This quiet one, this Nazarene Is this truly he who fulfills God’s plan?
To follow this man Jesus is now our fate He of whom John has spoken We must listen closely and go to see If he is indeed the One for whom we wait What are you looking for, asks he The Son of David, the One, we say Then as we ask: Where are you staying? He gently replies with a smile: Come, and see
This day we have so longed to be Yelling as I run to tell my brother Peter We have found the Messiah And we now bring Peter to see
This Jesus now looks deeply at him My brother, who so wants to believe And calls him Cephas, the Rock And so does our life story truly begin
Thank you, oh great God of all For your great love and the wondrous gift Of your only son Jesus: God with Us Given to us for our salvation… Strengthen us and open our hearts As we now follow your and pray That with the power of your love The strength of our faith, and your grace We can change hearts And bring all mankind to you