This gospel reflection is based on the Holy Spirit Prayer.
Holy Spirit Come
Come to us in our time of need Bring us your wisdom and grace In these, the times of our greatest need Bring us your gifts in this time and place
Holy Spirit come, for you are our help In our times of trouble and need When we call out to you in faith From our troubles we will be freed
Fill the Hearts of we the faithful For we come to you in trust That your grace will be enough To enable us to live as we must
Enkindle in us faith and strength To always trust in God’s will And live as we always need To live fully and love fulfill
The fire of your Love Which burns with holy passion Bringing the warmth of grace Into the cold world in which we live And help us to change this place
Send forth your Spirit The Advocate we need To strengthen and open our eyes And our soul to nurture and feed
And we shall be created In an image of your love To be and bring your grace To earth in our lives from above
And renew us this day As we bring our hearts to you Refresh and bring new life As only your grace can do
The face of the Earth With your Holy and needed gift Bring all together in love And our hearts to heaven you lift
Come Holy Spirit Light our way with your holy fire Bring us your gifts and grace In our world of need And lift up our hearts With the joy of God’s love