My mind and heart race with question Who is this man Jesus, really? Who is this who so cures the ill Who teaches with such authority Who challenges and calls forth my will?
Now he asks: Who do you say I am? I thought I knew him so well But Peter seems to know much more I have heard Jesus called so many things And asked myself this question before
His question to us is hard to answer Can he really be as he says: the One How can we surely know this is so I too have seen his wonders and power And long for so much more to know
He says he will suffer so greatly Rejection and pain, even death If he is the Christ, why must this all be? The Father’s only Son to be killed! For what reason, I cannot yet see
I have followed him for so very long Now he says I too will have to suffer If I follow any longer now I fear And that I must leave all behind This for me is so very hard to hear
Can I truly give up all to follow Even to suffer pain myself for him Can I ever that deeply so believe That for him I would give up my all And be truly that open to receive
Lord Jesus, help me to understand Give me the strength that I need To know you and to closely follow To give up all that holds me To bear up my life’s crosses with you And by enduring all that may mean Help me to truly believe and to see