For years we have followed Listened and so believed Seen and have been amazed Moved by his words and deeds But this!
We have all followed Remaining close to him always And in all ways been there for him As he has taught and shown us the way But this!
To be Handed over and killed Words now too hurtful to hear Which simply cannot be true What will become of us then we fear After this!
Who will lead us forth after him Who will be our guide and follow his call Which one then among us will it be Who will be the greatest of all After this!
Yet you hear us now and bring forth a child To show us the way of innocence The way of pure humility too To show us perfection in the least of man That to be like this is to truly follow you
Dear Jesus, help me see beyond me To love you and all unselfishly Help me to follow only you And to be open as a little one would be Humbly present as would a young child In this way to know it’s not about me But always and in all ways about you May I be simple and pure in my love Childlike in my dependence Wholly upon you