These ministries provide the parish with the support needed so the experience of Masses and liturgical celebrations are prayerful and powerful witnesses to God's desire for both clergy and lay parishioners to be active and engaged participants.
Altar Servers (Youth)
This ministry is preparing to train new volunteers. Open to mature middle and high school youth.
Servers participate in the entrance processional, the offertory processional, and the recessional. They also serve as the Thurifer (carry the incense) when needed.
Altar Servers
Art & Environment
This ministry encompasses the unseen ministries that support the liturgy: Sacristan; Linens Ministry; Plants; and Environmental Support of the Liturgy.
Art & Environment
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion (Adults & Confirmed Youth)
Extraordinary Ministers are trained to share the Body and Precious Blood of Christ with the worshipping assembly on Saturday/Sunday, weekdays, holy days, and at sacramental celebrations (First Communion, Confirmation), and funerals.
Ministry of the Eucharist
Funeral Liturgical Ministry
Funeral Liturgy Ministers function on short notice and with great flexibility. These liturgies require a Head Minister and Ministers of Hospitality. Sometimes, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers of the Word are needed. General Funeral Team Volunteer (setup, cleanup, additional help, etc.)
Hospitality Ministry (Adults | Youth & Families)
Ministers of Hospitality greet worshippers prior to Sunday and Holy Day services, distribute Orders of Worship, assist parishioners and guests being seated, collect the financial gifts of the assembly during the Offertory, guide communicants to the altar to receive Communion.
Hospitality Ministry
Livestreaming Ministry
Volunteers help with livestreaming the 9:15 AM Sunday Mass and other liturgical services as needed. Involves the use of iPhones that are controleed by an iPad. Training will be provided.
Ministers of the Word (Adults & Confirmed Youth)
Ministers of the Word (Lectors) share the Word of God with the worshipping assembly on Saturday/Sunday, weekdays, holy days, and at sacramental celebrations (First Communion, Confirmation), and funerals. Training will be provided.
Ministers of the Word
Wedding Coordinators
Wedding Coordinatos are present at rehearsal and wedding ceremony. They communicate with the couple prior to the wedding. Coordinators receive a stipend.