"Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven,
he said the blessing over them, broke them,
and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd."
(Luke 9:16)
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is one of the most important ministries in the Roman Catholic liturgy.
Get Involved
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are trained to share the Body and the Precious Blood of Christ with the worshipping assembly on Saturdays/Sundays, weekdays, holy days, at sacramental celebrations (First Communion, Confirmation), and funerals.
Each weekend, 85-90 ministers are scheduled to serve the St. Michael faith community.
Requirements to Serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation
if married, marriage must have been blessed by the church
be a registered member of St. Michael Parish
Ministers receive extensive and ongoing training.
Ministers create their own schedule, allowing them to serve as frequently and at whichever Mass they prefer.