This gospel reflection is based on Luke 14:1, 7:14.
A Seat at the Table
With joy upon receiving the invitation I happily enter his heavenly home Joining the many who also come Longingly awaiting, no longer alone
With pride approaching the table It’s great presence and length is clear I wonder now where I should go To recline near the head or the rear
For the honor of invitation is great And the joy of arriving I truly feel Excited that once the Master arrives We will join him in this joyous meal
I’m pulled to sit near the table head With joy and pride that I am here Longing to be closer to the Master And to myself be seen and to hear
Yet remembering well his message That day when we asked this of him He warned us and told us of the risk That seeking prideful honor is sin
So at the far end I decide to recline As with humble thought I decide That my preference was a temptation To gain vainglory and selfish pride
Yet also now as I go further away Toward the lowest and farthest place I worry of the truth of my humility That my decision is just to save face
And now as the Master now enters Walking toward this table of joy Looking up and down at his quests He warmly smiles and shakes his head
Seeking the humble and the selfless He calls them all forth to his side To sit close, at the head with him To see him and to hear his voice
I pray oh can I ever be so worthy To recline and to be so near to near him To hear and to feel his presence To eat the blessed bread broken by him
Dear Jesus, I long to be with you To humbly receive your eternal gift To sit at that glorious banquet above As you become truly present for us And to see, hear and feel your love