From the depth of despair I now reach Grasping for something…anything A miracle, a remedy for my illness That to my pain some comfort he bring I’ve heard of what he has done And in time have come to believe That he can do many things Oh, only if I could, his favor receive He and his followers now come near And the crowd blocks my view Crying out yet no one hears Reach out to him is what I must do
For he is the Holy One The Son of David we all proclaim Who from heaven has for us come How can I just here remain
He has the healing power of God And can heal all, I’ve heard them say I am in such very desperate need Yet the pressing crowd blocks my way
I believe and I’m desperate, only for his touch He comes near and I reach out at great length Barely brushing his garment hem And I am filled with a surge of strength
Yet he knows and he stops and asks whom Seeking with clear voice and loving eyes And as I humbly and honestly admit Tabitha he says, and Koum: arise
Dear Jesus, I too am in desperate need And long for the help only you can bring Hear my cries over this noisy world As I humbly reach out to you in prayer And heal me with your gentle love