From a deep and longtime emptiness A longing ache from deep inside Crying out for fullness and life A seeking that so pervades Our hearts, our souls, our minds
For the One who is to come For that which is to be fulfilled Foretold in all prophecy and longing For which so long we have sought For which the Father has so willed
We have so longed to be fed And on our long and troubling way And have cried out to the One above Who has heard us and was so moved Sending bread from heaven to save
Yet we have again turned from him Looking to things here and now Rather than toward our God Who has always been there for us In wondrous ways we know not how
So powerful is his longing love That as we continue to turn away He remains for us as love and light And turns not his face from us Rather than leave us choosing to stay
His life as bread for our journey Feeds our hunger for eternal life His love shown to us is all giving Bringing respite on our desert journey An end to all our earthly strife
Dear Jesus, you are the living bread I long to receive you into my heart For by you I also see the Father In you alone is found eternal life Help me bring you as bread to others And never from me depart