One who works such great wonders Curing the sick and the lame Making the scriptures so new and so clear Yet from this small humble place he came
So learned somehow that he teaches us Yet we know him and know his own He’s only a simple carpenter’s son Of humble family and simple home
How has this come to be happening here That from afar so many have come To hear this man and just to see Could this son of David be The One
I want to believe but so deeply I doubt This is too much to hear and to see I’m astounded; could it be true That the Father’s Son this could really be
It hurts some proud ears to even hear The words of truth from this man They refuse to accept him in his own home And reject him where He stands
But his message is clear He heals with power from above And with gentle but firm word Teaches the fulfillment of all love
Dear Jesus, Open my ears to really hear you Open my eyes to clearly see you Open my mind to fully accept you Open my heart to receive you
Help me to recognize you among us Present in spirit and truth To recognize you in our world In Word and Sacrament In prayer and neighbor Especially in those in need