In the mid-afternoon heat To the place formed by Jacob long ago I go quietly to find longed for refreshment To cool the desert of my parched soul Shrouded against the glare of afternoon heat
I seek to cool the fire of my gut and guilt Hiding away from condemning eyes That watch and know and speak of me As one of whom they scowl and revile Seeing, yet pretending to look away
In the blazing heat of the mid-day sun Alone and outcast, quietly I come To seek refreshment for my life To wash myself of shame and guilt Feeling watched, trapped and alone
Yet One comes, of all now, a Galilean Taking a forbidden glance into his eyes My soul is pierced and cries out in longing This cannot be, the One who truly knows me Yet he sees all the truth and lies of my life
Forbidden, yet asking me of all, for water From my cup which no one would dare Seeing and softly speaking of my life A knowledge beyond my understanding With eyes seeing all of my wounded soul
He speaks of a new, Living Water Which brings true cleansing and refreshment That he himself somehow IS this water of life Though his presence with me is forbidden With gentle knowledge, he invites me to heal