An Advent Retreat was held on December 14. The topic was "Waiting on the Lord" led by Sr. Anns James, CMS. Communal Reconciliation was included with four priests available to hear confessions. A light lunch was provided afterwards.
The Saturday School Program, TUSOME, received a "Ballet For All" award which allowed twenty St. Elizabeth youth to attend the Nutcracker Ballet at the Carpenter Center on December 8. Twelve K-5th grade children attended "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" at the November Theater on December 29.
St. Elizabeth Social Ministry received $1,000 in Walmart gift cards and $400 in gas gift cards from St. Michael Giving Tree.
Parishioners and friends took gift tags from the St. Elizabeth Giving Tree providing families with gifts, including gifts from St. Anthony Maronite Church and the Mary Ryan Division of the LAOH. Gifts were also provided to Commonwealth Catholic Charities for refugees who have newly arrived in this country.
Three children were baptized during the month.
The Annual Mass for Peace was celebrated on December 31. Everyone enjoyed a potluck supper afterwards.
2024 Parish Statistics: - 16 Baptisms - 17 First Communions - 6 Confirmations - 17 New Households - Registered families have risen to 206 (530 individuals), including 117 children.