The year was 1833 and times were very difficult in Paris, France. There was a young, 20 year old college student named Frederic Ozanam who was studying at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. One day as he and his friends were engaged in discussion, another student challenged him to put his Catholic faith into action. And so it was that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul began. Along with five other students and the advice of an older friend, Emmanuel Bailly, and through the spiritual guidance and practical advice of Sister Rosalie Rendu, DC, Frederic and his friends began to visit the poor in the slums of Paris. They took Saint Vincent de Paul, a humble French Priest who served the poor during the mid 1600's as their patron saint. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an organization that follows in his footsteps by praying and helping others in order to grow in holiness and closer to God. Members are called Vincentians and they volunteer to answer the call to help the poor and to pray.
Young Vincentians are young members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul who also seek to grow closer to God through service to others. They participate spiritually through prayer and through projects that assist the poor in some way.
A group of our Young Vincentians came together to distribute Thanksgiving baskets to those in need. We are deeply thankful to everyone who supported the Thanksgiving Food Drive and to all those whose efforts made this initiative impactful for our community.
We are currently looking to grow our Young Vincentians Group at St. Michael as a collaboration and service arm between St. Michael Youth Ministry and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. If you are interested in joining Young Vincentians this year or would like to attend a meeting to learn more, sign up on the form below! If you have any questions, please contact us at the bottom of this page.